The current is delivered using a single use sterile probe which is fed down inside each individual hair follicle. Once the hair has been treated it is removed with tweezers. Depending on the strength and coarseness of the hair, it might grow back, but if it does it will be much softer, finer and not as dark. The area may need to be treated several times before the follicle is disabled permanently. Electrolysis is a very effective treatment and is mostly used to remove unwanted facial hair.
Don’t think you are the only person suffering from this problem, 90% of women have unwanted facial hair and it is an extremely effective treatment for male facial hair too. We treat a lot of clients using this method with great results.
- Consultation – 20.00
- 5 Minutes – 21.00
- 10 Minutes – 27.00
- 15 Minutes – 32.00
- 20 Minutes – 36.00
- 30 Minutes – 42.00
Also see Advanced Cosmetic Procedures.